The Worth County R-III High School Student Council invites the Worth County
Community to participate in “Homecoming 2021: Worth County Tigers: the TEAM, the
MYTH, the LEGENDS!!” during the week of September 13. With this theme in mind, the
parade and the week’s events will focus on myths, mythical creatures, and legends. Each
class will select a particular myth or legend in which to focus their parade float decorations.
“We hope that the whole community will join us for Homecoming 2021,” said Justina
Wimer, Student Council President. “We appreciate the support from businesses and
community organizations which continues to increase each year.” If your business or
organization would like to participate in the parade or in the business window decorating
contest, contact the High School Office at 564-2218 for more information.
The Homecoming event will also be a time to remember the alumni of Worth County.
“We will be inviting the homecoming queens of 1971, Judy Jennings Houk, 1996, Nicki
Dannar Tracy and 2011, Paige McPike to serve as the Grand Marshals of this year's
parade,” said Justina Wimer, Student Council President.
Events during homecoming will include spirit days throughout the week. The annual
homecoming parade occurs on Friday, September 17, at 1:30 with the coronation of
Homecoming King and Queen to follow the parade at the High School football stadium.
Homecoming week culminates under the Friday night lights with the football game against
the Albany Warriors with recognition of the Royal Court at 6:30 pm and Worth County Tiger
football beginning at 7:00.